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Writer's pictureTanya Kostetsky

Content Themes versus Content Pillars

Question for y'all…

Ever find yourself thinking that content themes and content pillars are one and the same?

Spoiler alert: They ARE NOT interchangeable!

Let’s explore the differences:

👉 Content Themes: Think of them as the big topics or subjects that align with what your audience is interested in. These themes give your content strategy a clear direction and help you cover relevant topics. For example, if you have a dog grooming company, your content themes could include grooming tips, pet health and wellness, dog breed information, and pet care products.

👉 Content Pillars: Now, let's dive a little deeper! Content pillars are the specific subtopics within each theme that you consistently create content around. They help you establish yourself as an authority in those areas and provide a more focused organization for your content.

To make it even better, you can align these pillars with the stages of the customer buying journey…

🌠 Awareness Stage: This is where you educate your audience about grooming basics, common grooming issues, and the importance of regular grooming. It's all about creating content that helps them become aware of the problem or need they have.

🔍 Consideration Stage: Here, your audience is actively researching and considering different options to address their needs. Your content pillars at this stage could include comparisons of different grooming techniques, guides on choosing the right groomer, and tips on identifying quality grooming services.

🎯 Decision Stage: This is the stage where customers are ready to make a purchase or select a service provider. Your content pillars can focus on showcasing your expertise and services, highlighting unique selling points, customer testimonials, and special offers to encourage conversions.

✅ Action Stage: After the Decision Stage comes the Action Stage. This is where customers take action and make a purchase or engage with your business. Content pillars at this stage can include onboarding resources, post-purchase support, customer success stories, and loyalty programs to nurture customer relationships and drive repeat business.

By strategically aligning your content pillars with the customer buying journey stages, you create a seamless flow that guides and nurtures customers through their decision-making process.

And if you want or need a lil help nailing down your content pillars, tap the button below and holler at us! 📣  Our Digital Content Audit might just be the thing you need.

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