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#realtalk: social media marketing is never free
Under the impression that social media is a free marketing platform? Think again… #realtalk: Social media marketing is NEVER actually...

#realtalk: You need a firm budget to make a plan
You know what time it is… #realtalk o’clock 😎 If you want to make a solid plan, you NEED to have a firm budget in place. I know, I...

#realtalk If you’re failing to planning, you’re planning to fail
Buckle up, business owners: We're about to drop some major #realtalk: if you're failing to plan your content in advance, you're basically...

#realtalk: Content performance isn’t JUST about messaging, copy, design, strategy etc
What better way to end the month than with a little #realtalk from your favorite Content Cowperson? 🤠 #realtalk: You can have the most...

#realtalk: you’re NOT an influencer, but you could probably use one…
It’s #realtalk Friday, y’all. And today, we’re getting into the influencer convo. You might not be an influencer… BUT, you could...

Quality content alone won’t get you results
#realtalk: I’ve always been a quality > quantity kinda person. But quality content alone won’t get you the results you’re looking for…...

Your company isn’t gonna have the same social presence as a Fortune 500
Mmmm you know what time it is, right? It’s time for some REAL TALK, baby. 🔥 Let’s get into it. #REALTALK: Your small-to-medium-sized...

organic posting =/= advertising
You already know what’s about to go down… 😏 #REALTALK: Organic social media posting =/= Advertising Repeat after me: They 👏 are 👏 not...
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